
It takes good taste to notice good flavor

I’ve noticed as I’ve abstained (and avoided like the devil!) corn syrup and other major preservatives that I can spot them a mile away when I am served something (and I mean served, that I am not able to get to the label to make sure it’s what I really want). But, that’s all fine and good. My greatest thrill (er, accomplishment?) is when my hubby drank some of the new chocolate milk I bought him (sans corn syrup). He chugged it down and said, “hey! I don’t have that same belly-ache that I usually get from chocolate milk. Is that because this doesn’t have any corn syrup?” Of course, at the time, I was so excited that he recognized that it didn’t have corn syrup, but now I realize that anyone who has ever come in contact with me knows that I don’t allow the stuff in the house. Still, I’m thrilled. :D

It hasn’t just been with corn syrup. With cereals, real maple syrup (not maple-flavored corn syrup), and other things, my husband and I are noticing more and more true flavors that we never knew existed, due to the overly-sweet mask with which corn syrup shades everything.

You’ll notice other flavors, as well (or lack thereof) It comes in very hand when you’re tasting your rival enemy’s (not that I have any, I’m just sayin’!) famous [and secret-recipe] cookies! You are able to discern different flavors and textures. I prefer to buy plain yogurt, and flavor it myself. I usually add a little honey and pinch of vanilla powder. Yum! But, last week, I bought some new-flavored yogurts at my local Super Target (all natural, of course!). However, as I tasted each one, I named off immediately which spice had been overdone. In fact, I quite shocked myself. I didn’t realize up until that point that I am able to discern flavors so well, but I can only attribute it to being so willing to try new things, and notice new flavors! So, get out there and try something new! Happy eating!

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