
TWD : Whole-Wheat Strawberry Galette

I was terribly excited when this recipe was announced—nice and easy, just what I needed! I adore tarts (since I don’t have to deal with perfectly round crusts, like those of pies) and strawberries are just what the doctor ordered. Well, Dr. KitchenNut, that is—I simply adore strawberries. I decided to make a wheat crust, to offer a nutty opposition to the sweet berries. Making the crust was super easy! Because it was whole-wheat, I allowed for a 12-hour rest, to allow the bran to rest and soften. I somewhat successfully wrestled the crust into my mini tart pan, but that’s where the easiness ended. I thought I could take a small rest while the crust was on it’s last leg…umm, bad idea. It went from lovely golden brown to a lovely light, uh, black? Not really, but it smells awful. Had the crust not taken 12 hours, I would have whipped up another…in the meantime, here are some photos for to get your laughter going early in the day:

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