
Challenge: eat healthier!

I’d like to say “eat healthy”, but I’ll take the -ier since that’s at least one step closer. I must be nagging my family enough, as in the past 24-hours, I’ve been with two siblings who have both noticably changed their eating habits for the better. Big Sis was excited to find Gogurt Simple, which is the same yogurt-on-the-go, but this time with no corn syrup. Hooray! Along with the Gogurts, she also found some Organic pop-tarts; though pop-tarts, they at least had pure sugar and not the offspring of corn. Small and simple steps, right?

Also, Big Bro made a post on his usual computer-focused blog about how much better he has been feeling since he decided to invest only pennies more to eat better food: the cost of eating healthy (very good post. check it out.) It is for Big Bro that I made the post Well, then, what should I eat?? to help get him jump-started. Another good post if you’re looking to get started on eating healthier.

In the adventure of eating healthier, dear hubby has just been put on “get healthier” diet by doctor, so I get to find new ways to be creative with veggies, all whole-wheat pastas and breads, etc. Join me in the adventure, as I’ll be posting all about the ups and downs of egg whites-only, whole grain pastas, and the potato-free zone.

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